How to Reach Kolhapur

Kolhapur is 395 kms South of Mumbai and 240 kms from Pune. It is well connected by air, rail and road.

Air :- Kolhapur Airport is Functional since last four years with a daily AIR DECCAN Flight to and fro Mumbai departing Mumbai at 09:15 reaching Kolhapur at 10:20. Departing Kolhapur 10:40 & Reaching Mumbai 01:40 Apart from this daily schedule flights, the airport also has a traffic of quite a few private flights. For More information

Ph no. 0231-2677452 / 2677453 / 2659974

Contact Person :Mr.Anand Ugave

For other cities, Kolhapur is connected by Belgaum Air port 105 K.M. from city.

Rail :- It is a railway station on the Pune - Miraj - Kolhapur section of the South-Central Railway. It is well connected with all the important cities in India.

Road :- Kolhapur is situated on the Pune - Bangalore National Highway No. 4. There are State Transport buses regularly from Kolhapur to Mumbai, Panaji, Miraj, Sangli, Pune, Satara, Sawantwadi, Solapur and several other places. The Kolhapur Municipal Transport service operates in the city, suburbs and nearby villages. Taxis and rickshaws are also available round the clock.







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